+977-01 5327086, 01 5333591    |     info@ndpl.com.np, nepaldpltd@gmail.com  |  We are open 10:00 am - 5:00 pm (Sun-Thu)  & 10:00 am - 3:00 pm (Fri)


Nepal DP Limited (NDPL) is one of the Depository Participant (DP) Company of Nepal which was incorporated in 19th Falgun, 2072 B.S. (2nd March, 2016 A.D.) as a public company in the Office of Company Registrar under Company Act of Nepal with an objective to render full fledged services of overall part of dematerialization of securities/shares. It is a joint venture company promoted by 10 Stock Broker Companies which is managing more than 26,000 DEMAT accounts of individual and institutional clients as Beneficial Owners. We are the only DP company in Nepal which is providing particularly only DP services in a specialized way to the clients/investors. Our clients enrolled in our depository participant services will have a separate DEMAT account and is entitled as Beneficial Owner (BO) of that account. We provide fast, reliable and convenient services to the clients providing paperless way to keep track of the clients’ investment in securities/shares without any hassles.

We are also offering our clients with online access through MERO SHARE to their DEMAT accounts to facilitate viewing their account statements and portfolios, applying for Right Shares and new companies’ shares i.e. Initial Public Offerings (IPO) and also transferring their sold out shares from the stock broker companies.

Our Company’s 10 Promoter Stock Broker Companies:

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