- ACLBSL 1061 (-10.9 )
- ADBL 331 (-8 )
- ADBLD83 1125 (-10 )
- AHL 716 (-13 )
- AHPC 266 (-1 )
- AKJCL 209 (-3 )
- AKPL 246 (-2.9 )
- ALBSL 850 (0 )
- ALICL 730 (2 )
- ANLB 4900.3 (-49.7 )
- API 273 (-1.7 )
- AVYAN 1130 (14 )
- BARUN 431.3 (-7.7 )
- BBC 6420 (20 )
- BEDC 567.9 (-2.1 )
- BFC 774.9 (-10 )
- BGWT 982 (46 )
- BHDC 634 (-3.3 )
- BHL 362.1 (-4.4 )
- BHPL 768.8 (4 )
- BNHC 508 (6 )
- BNT 14150 (129 )
- BOKD86 1041 (16 )
- BPCL 414 (-4 )
- C30MF 9.47 (0 )
- CBBL 936 (1 )
- CBLD88 1130 (10 )
- CCBD88 1130 (3 )
- CFCL 646 (-1 )
- CGH 922 (-4 )
- CHCL 560.5 (-4.5 )
- CHDC 1659 (-2 )
- CHL 413 (-0.6 )
- CIT 2172.5 (-17.4 )
- CITY 921 (9 )
- CKHL 673 (-17 )
- CLI 689 (-6 )
- CMF1 10.5 (-0.12 )
- CMF2 9.55 (0 )
- CORBL 1647 (-46 )
- CYCL 1650 (7 )
- CZBIL 217.7 (1.7 )
- DDBL 868.1 (-6.9 )
- DHPL 312 (-7.4 )
- DLBS 1600 (5 )
- DOLTI 693 (24 )
- DORDI 537.2 (-2.8 )
- EBL 583 (-7 )
- EBLD85 1120 (5 )
- EDBL 667.1 (-10.9 )
- EHPL 736 (-12 )
- ENL 1385 (69 )
- FMDBL 745 (6 )
- FOWAD 1259 (-20 )
- GBBL 436 (1 )
- GBIME 221.7 (0.7 )
- GBLBS 776.2 (-1.8 )
- GCIL 475.2 (-2.8 )
- GFCL 844 (-9 )
- GHL 219.5 (-0.5 )
- GIBF1 10.1 (0.04 )
- GILB 1265 (-10 )
- GLBSL 2260 (60 )
- GLH 247.1 (-2.9 )
- GMFBS 1857 (120 )
- GMFIL 632.8 (-2.2 )
- GRDBL 1015 (7.9 )
- GUFL 727 (3.5 )
- GVL 545 (-1 )
- H8020 10.14 (-0.16 )
- HATHY 1410 (-4 )
- HBL 239.8 (-2 )
- HDHPC 208 (0 )
- HDL 1368 (-13 )
- HEI 641 (-1 )
- HEIP 500 (-9 )
- HHL 504 (-10 )
- HIDCL 248.5 (-2.5 )
- HIDCLP 166.5 (-1 )
- HLBSL 1001.9 (28.9 )
- HLI 461 (1 )
- HPPL 411 (-5.4 )
- HRL 819.8 (-0.2 )
- HURJA 238.8 (-0.3 )
- ICFC 703 (-12 )
- IGI 598 (-3.9 )
- IHL 700 (10 )
- ILBS 970 (0 )
- ILBSP 553.7 (-11.3 )
- ILI 477 (-2.5 )
- JBBL 380.1 (-7.9 )
- JBLB 1541.9 (-3.1 )
- JFL 947.9 (27.9 )
- JOSHI 477 (34 )
- JSLBB 1590 (19 )
- KBL 215.2 (-1.8 )
- KBSH 2566.3 (-25 )
- KDBY 9.53 (0.05 )
- KDL 1161 (48 )
- KEF 9.08 (-0.18 )
- KKHC 465.5 (32.6 )
- KMCDB 1117.9 (8 )
- KPCL 540 (5.1 )
- KRBL 817 (-15 )
- KSBBL 461 (1 )
- KSY 9.23 (0.03 )
- LBBL 495 (-3 )
- LEC 211.5 (-1.2 )
- LICN 1251.5 (-46.6 )
- LLBS 1170 (30 )
- LSL 236 (0 )
- LUK 9.74 (-0.07 )
- LVF2 9.69 (0.26 )
- MAKAR 636 (-5 )
- MANDU 890 (-11.6 )
- MATRI 1278 (-14 )
- MBJC 355.6 (-4.4 )
- MBL 246 (1.2 )
- MBLD87 1038 (-21 )
- MCHL 568 (-5 )
- MDB 752 (-9.4 )
- MEHL 442.3 (-3.7 )
- MEL 313.3 (-2.7 )
- MEN 706 (-3 )
- MERO 726 (-12 )
- MFIL 700 (-7 )
- MHCL 525 (-5 )
- MHL 895 (15 )
- MHNL 278 (-4 )
- MKCL 1548 (3 )
- MKHC 502 (4.9 )
- MKHL 616 (-4.3 )
- MKJC 550 (-2 )
- MLBBL 1675 (-7 )
- MLBL 410 (-1.9 )
- MLBS 2157 (-12.8 )
- MLBSL 2550 (150 )
- MMF1 9.06 (-0.16 )
- MMKJL 705 (15 )
- MNBBL 391.9 (-0.1 )
- MPFL 735.1 (-7.9 )
- MSHL 999 (19 )
- MSLB 1633 (-5 )
- NABBC 1158 (-3 )
- NABIL 508.1 (-1.9 )
- NADEP 995.5 (1.5 )
- NBF2 9.59 (0.18 )
- NBF3 9.33 (-0.07 )
- NBL 267 (0 )
- NBLD85 1030 (0 )
- NCCD86 1159.7 (22.7 )
- NESDO 2238 (-11 )
- NFS 1125 (-25 )
- NGPL 275 (-7.3 )
- NHDL 737 (2 )
- NHPC 224.2 (-1.8 )
- NIBD84 1050 (0 )
- NIBLGF 8.84 (-0.31 )
- NIBLSTF 9.05 (-0.2 )
- NIBSF2 8.7 (0.02 )
- NICA 405 (0 )
- NICAD8283 1170 (3 )
- NICBF 9.41 (-0.1 )
- NICD88 1050.6 (24.9 )
- NICFC 9.33 (-0.07 )
- NICGF 10.72 (-0.07 )
- NICGF2 9 (0.08 )
- NICL 975.3 (-4.7 )
- NICLBSL 678.3 (0.3 )
- NICSF 9.52 (-0.08 )
- NIFRA 255 (0.5 )
- NIL 929.4 (5.4 )
- NIMB 217.9 (0.9 )
- NIMBD90 1131 (7 )
- NIMBPO 169 (-1.2 )
- NLG 920 (18 )
- NLIC 793 (-3 )
- NLICL 588 (-10 )
- NMB 238 (-3.9 )
- NMB50 10.87 (0.42 )
- NMBD89/90 1142.2 (-17.8 )
- NMBMF 718.9 (18.9 )
- NMFBS 1310 (-20 )
- NMLBBL 687 (6 )
- NRIC 772 (-2.1 )
- NRM 453 (-1 )
- NRN 1079.9 (-102.1 )
- NSIF2 10.64 (0.02 )
- NTC 955 (1.1 )
- NUBL 684.9 (3.7 )
- NWCL 1019 (9 )
- NYADI 353.9 (15.9 )
- OHL 940 (-1 )
- PBLD87 1050 (18 )
- PCBL 253.7 (-0.4 )
- PFL 667.9 (-6.1 )
- PHCL 557 (3.7 )
- PMHPL 284.5 (-6.5 )
- PMLI 551 (-4 )
- PMLIP 270 (-5 )
- PPCL 292.9 (-1 )
- PPL 515.6 (-6.4 )
- PRIN 979 (9.6 )
- PROFL 664 (4.1 )
- PRVU 223.9 (-0.6 )
- PSF 10.4 (0.19 )
- RADHI 387 (0.7 )
- RAWA 793 (-12.2 )
- RBCL 17188 (-251 )
- RBCLPO 12870 (143.8 )
- RFPL 1002 (-28 )
- RHGCL 489 (0 )
- RHPL 458 (-10 )
- RIDI 235 (-1 )
- RLFL 636 (-12.8 )
- RMF1 9.26 (-0.28 )
- RNLI 513.5 (-2.5 )
- RSDC 730 (6.7 )
- RURU 716.1 (-9.9 )
- SADBL 444 (3 )
- SAEF 11.23 (0.05 )
- SAGF 10 (0 )
- SAHAS 490 (1 )
- SALICO 701.1 (-6.9 )
- SAMAJ 3647.3 (60.3 )
- SANIMA 307.5 (0.5 )
- SAPDBL 1089 (-16 )
- SARBTM 753 (4 )
- SBCF 9.63 (-0.09 )
- SBI 454 (-0.9 )
- SBID83 1133 (20.2 )
- SBID89 1070 (8 )
- SBL 307 (-0.9 )
- SBLD83 1100 (19.5 )
- SBLD89 1176.8 (23 )
- SCB 662 (18 )
- SCBD 1120 (-17.3 )
- SDBD87 1091.4 (21.4 )
- SEF 9.75 (-0.02 )
- SFCL 719.1 (-10.9 )
- SFEF 9.6 (0.16 )
- SFMF 10.05 (-0.15 )
- SGHC 460 (-3 )
- SGIC 686 (-6 )
- SHEL 251.4 (0.4 )
- SHINE 455.5 (-0.3 )
- SHIVM 562 (1 )
- SHL 487.9 (0.6 )
- SHLB 2499 (55 )
- SHPC 549.3 (8.4 )
- SICL 820 (4 )
- SIFC 637 (-2 )
- SIGS2 9.72 (-0.17 )
- SIGS3 9.98 (0.08 )
- SIKLES 783.1 (-10.9 )
- SINDU 994 (-16 )
- SJCL 370.2 (6.1 )
- SJLIC 462 (-6 )
- SKBBL 920 (1.3 )
- SLBBL 934 (-23.5 )
- SLBSL 1825 (100 )
- SLCF 9.77 (0.07 )
- SMATA 855 (9 )
- SMB 2735 (-80 )
- SMFBS 2135.8 (-5.3 )
- SMH 1019 (0 )
- SMHL 1030 (-1 )
- SMJC 546.1 (5.4 )
- SMPDA 960 (-19.1 )
- SNLI 649 (0 )
- SONA 458.4 (0.4 )
- SPC 524.4 (-3.6 )
- SPDL 323.2 (-2.2 )
- SPHL 767.1 (-7.9 )
- SPIL 815.1 (-4.9 )
- SPL 972 (-4.9 )
- SRLI 429 (-1 )
- SSHL 243.8 (-1.5 )
- STC 5775 (10 )
- SWBBL 892.7 (-0.2 )
- SWMF 775.1 (-6.9 )
- TAMOR 525 (-12 )
- TPC 552.5 (-7.5 )
- TRH 1125 (-4 )
- TSHL 884 (-3.9 )
- TVCL 508.9 (-1.1 )
- UAIL 647 (1.9 )
- UHEWA 734 (-14.3 )
- ULBSL 3262.5 (192.5 )
- ULHC 497 (-3.2 )
- UMHL 342 (-3.2 )
- UMRH 643.9 (-4.1 )
- UNHPL 290 (-2 )
- UNL 46920 (920 )
- UNLB 2520 (-9 )
- UPCL 285 (1 )
- UPPER 212.8 (0.8 )
- USHEC 587 (2 )
- USHL 770 (-4 )
- USLB 1569.9 (29.9 )
- VLBS 892 (13 )
- VLUCL 668.9 (0 )
- WNLB 2552.3 (-16.7 )
Better Solutions For Depositary Participants
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A DRN will be given once the DP has confirmed the physical certificates and the DRF,and the certificates will be forwarded to the registrar with the DRF. A Dematerialisation Request Form (DRF) helps you convert physical securities into dematerialised or electronic forms.
Pledged shares are shares held by an investor that are offered as collateral to a lender in exchange for a loan whereas unpledging of shares means release of shares by paying off the loan amount or clearing your ledger debits & associated dues.
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